Saturday, November 13, 2004

Ol' Tom comes to Dinner..........

A few days ago, I made a turkey salad.........which went over pretty well at my get together, by the way.
What I really had my taste buds set for though, was a turkey dinner with all (or most anyway) of the trimmings.
If you'll recall, I tore off a pretty man-sized chunk of the breast I cooked and reserved it for just that purpose..........and now it's time to prepare it.

Remember that pile of skin and fat I stuck in the Fridge? Well, its about to become the star of this show. You really didn't think I was going to go out and buy a jar of Heinz Turkey Gravy did you?
I've talked a bit about fat and flavor in various of the entries I've posted in here.
I don't like greasy food of any kind.......but I have no problem with fat as a flavoring, incorporated into my diet on my own terms.
Homemade gravy tastes as good as you remember because it has this in common with almost all sauces.......from the humblest to the takes its flavor from meat fat.

To get started, cut up the pieces of skin and meat and fat into thumb sized pieces and toss them into an unlined skillet or saute pan over a medium high heat.
I'm specifying an unlined pan here, because cooking over higher heats is really not a very kind thing to do to your expensive coated cookware. If all you've got is coated cookware, by all means use it.
I like the hard anodized aluminum cookware sold by Meyer...........when I do a post on cookware, I will link to some internet sources for these pans, and recommend some sizes. For every day use, the 10' omelette style is really handy.

You'll want to cook those pieces of skin and fat until they are crispy and have rendered up all their fat...........

pieces o bird in pan

fry to a crisp

While the skin is giving up its fat, cut a nice big potato into about 1 1/2 inch pieces, put it into a small sauce pan covered with water and put it on a high burner to boil.
This will take about 15 minutes.
Lately I've taken to making mashed potatoes, when I have them, with the skin on.........suit your own taste. You can peel the potato before you cut it if you prefer.

At the same time, put about 2 inches of water into your steamer, put it over a high heat, and put a green veggie of your choice, either fresh or frozen into the steamer insert. This will also take about 15 minutes.
As a side note here, if you are using "organic" veggies, or veggies from your garden, increase your steamer time to at least 20 minutes after the water starts to boil. As with any of the low acid foods, grown without benefit of modern agricultural or packaging technologies, there is a danger of toxin producing bacteria such as botulism and E-coli........My granny knew this (if you are a 20 something, your great-granny), and cooked accordingly.

cut up potato

boil potato

steaming broccoli

In the meantime, your skin and fat should be nearly will, of course, have been reaching over to stir them around a bit and turn them over from time to time...

Spoon the crunchy pieces out of the fat with a slotted spoon and drain a bit on a paper towel. Chop up into little bits and return them to your fry pan. Reduce the heat to medium.

chop up crunchy pieces

return to pan

While you are doing this, if either your potatoes or greens get done, simply turn off heat and cover.........they will stay hot until you're ready for them.

cover potatoes

Now, boys and girls, for the big, bug-a-boo.........making gravy.
I don't know why people think it is so hard or so mysterious, but I've had so many people just be amazed at what, to me is the simplest and most basic of my cooking "skills". It is so easy and so basic, in fact, that I am honestly embarrassed to refer to it as a "skill".

If you can remember two things, you can make gravy.
Use equal amounts of fat and flour.........
One quarter cup of flour will thicken 2 cups of liquid.

Nothing else can make gravy out of 1/4 cup shortening, 1/4 cup flour, and 2 cups of water. It won't taste like much........(in fact it would probably taste like hell) but it's gravy.

You can use any kind of fat.......that will be the flavor base of the gravy.
You can use any kind of liquid......this will, to some degree contribute to the creaminess of the finished gravy.
Want a lovely, sinful sauce for veggies? Use 1/4 cup butter, 1/4 cup flour, and 2 cups of heavy cream.

It's just that easy...........someday, soon, I'll go into more detail about fats and gravies, but for now, we have about 1/4 cup of turkey fat, with crunchy bits of turkey skin swimming around in it, in a skillet over a medium heat. I know that it's about 1/4 cup of fat, because I've done this a few times and I'm passing it on to you. If you are ever in doubt, measure the fat........and if it falls short, extend it with some butter or a full fatted margarine to make up 1/4 cup.

Add 1/4 cup flour and stir it around to soak up all the flour.

Cook, stirring the flour/fat mixture, for about 3 minutes to cook out the flour taste.

add flour

soak up fat with flour and cook, stirring, for about 3 minutes

........and then add 2 cups of liquid. You can use Turkey broth,(either a canned broth, a broth you made out of boullian cubes, or the broth you were ambitious and frugal enough to make the other night when we cooked the turkey).

You can use any kind of milk........
You can use half and half or heavy cream.........
The choice is yours........
I used 2% milk.

add liquid

You can turn up the heat a bit now, but keep on whisking the mixture to break up any lumps until the liquid in the pan is homogenous and smooth.......keep on whisking to prevent sticking.


Season to taste with pepper and salt or anything else you like or desire......



Cook until thickened .........until it looks like the shots of molten lava bubbling, like on shows like Nova or National Geographic

cook until thickened

When that is done, drain your potatoes, transfer them to a mixing bowl and break out the electric hand mixer.

drain potatoes

Now.........we can use a little imagination here. Throw in some butter and some sour cream if you like. Throw in some garlic or some onions or scallions that you have softened in butter over a low to medium heat........butter and all.

Add enough liquid (milk or cream or broth) to make the mashed potatoes the desired texture...........
While I did this I re-heated my sliced chunk of turkey breast in the micro-wave.

All that is left is to load all this on to a plate and eat...........

Dinner is served...............


We're on a roll now, guys.........check back soon for more fun and hearty eats in the Captain's Galley.

Until then.........enjoy your life, and be kind to yourself.

Thus endeth the lesson.............


Blogger captn said...

The Agony and the Ecstasy????

sorry, *laughs*.......couldn't resist that one!

11:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brings back some memories of home...we had gravy + Meat almost every Gotta love it.

5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a pizza recipe site/blog. It pretty much covers pizza recipe related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

9:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello captn, been looking for the latest info on carbuncles and found Ol' Tom comes to Dinner........... Though not exactly what I was searching for, it did get my attention. Interesting post, thanks for a great read.

4:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi captn, Out surfing for information on treatment for boils & happened upon your site. While Ol' Tom comes to Dinner.......... wasn't exactly spot on, it did strike a note with me. Thank you for the really good read.

4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi captn, Out surfing for information on treatment for boils & happened upon your site. While Ol' Tom comes to Dinner.......... wasn't exactly spot on, it did strike a note with me. Thank you for the really good read.

10:13 PM  

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